HorrorHound Weekend was an epic blast!

Well, folks, I broke my HorrorHound Weekend dry spell!  I haven't been to HorrorHound in like three years, so it's great to be back with good friends and awesome people.

What sets HorrorHound apart from other conventions I've been to is that HH goes above beyond.  There's a film festival!  Dedicated rooms for movies!  For instance, one whole room was dedicated to the A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series.  And let me tell you, that was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

And how fitting is it that HorrorHound falls right smack in the middle of the our Halloween Countdown?

Most importantly, I saw some cool shit this weekend.

First, these awesome masks by Connor Deless, who absolutely nails those Leatherface masks.

I even seen a FACE/OFF transformation right before eyes!

And, of course, the always talented Justin Mabry and those killer Myers masks.

Tried to take a cool shot of the main room, got mostly ceiling.  So if you have a ceiling fetish, you're welcome.

Oh, man.  These Casey Jones masks.  I want to wear them all day everyday.

And what's a horror convention without a little Jason and Freddy action?

This.  This female Edward Scissorhands cosplay is simply stunning.

Killer boots, man!

This is, hands down, the greatest action figure ever made.  A hand-crafted Tom Atkins from HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH!

This original take on a horror classic is simply breathtaking!  By the way, this mask was also made by the same people who did the Casey Jones masks above (Uncanny Valley Productions).

Those eyes, though.

Oh, and I finally met the wonderful Danielle Harris!

And I got to hang out with my old pal Lito Velasco before the encore screening of THE CONFESSION OF FRED KRUEGER (which was downright badass, directed by Nathan Thomas Milliner).

Thanks for reading and seeing what I saw at HorrorHound Weekend!  Wish I couldv'e grabbed more photos, because there is so much more that I didn't photograph.

I hope to see you at the next HorrorHound Weekend!
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