My short film, remastered (10th anniversary)!

On the night of March 22, 2008, my brother and I filmed a short little slasher chase scene. We didn't think much of it at the time, but it turned into quite a process. In a span of 4 hours, we had this thing shot, edited, scored and uploaded to YouTube. My brother did 100% of the sound FX and editing and creating a credit sequence. I merely co-starred and directed.

I managed to find all the original video files from that shoot (which we shot with a cheap digital camera -- not a camcorder -- using the "video" function). So I thought a 10-year re-edit was in order. My brother now lives in Florida so getting him back to help wasn't an option. Since the film was my vision, editing it myself wasn't too bad (we used Windows Movie Maker originally, I used iMovie this time).

I intended for this new cut to be released on the 10th anniversary (March 22), but that didn't happen. However, I did manage to finish the sound FX on it today and got it uploaded.  I tried to correct the color in the footage the best I could (and fix the sound).

So, here's our original released short...

And here's my special remaster of the film...

Neither are "great" by any means. Just a fun project by two brothers who were bored one night ten years ago. Enjoy.
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