MM Updates: Tees, SCREAM 2 Screening & TV!

Hey, dudes.  A couple of quick updates...some new tees, TV and a super sweet Scream 2 opportunity...

  • New tees!
    • Bunch of new tees have been added to the store (Scream, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Donnie Darko, etc. -- link in the sidebar).
  • TV!
    • Good Girls is awesome.  Watch it.
    • Brooklyn Nine-Nine
      • Have I been living under a rock?  This show ROCKS.
    • Superstore
      • Again, a rock -- and this rocks.
  • Scream 2
    • I'll be attending the Scream 2 screening tomorrow (Saturday, April 13) in Decatur, Georgia.
    • There's also a tour of the filming locations...can't wait!
That's it.  Short.  Sweet.  Have a good day!
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